12:00-14:00 |
Lunch and poster presentations (in the i-zone) |
14:00-14:40 |
Clay Routledge,
North Dakota State University, USA
14:40-15:20 |
Philip Cozzolino,
University of Essex, UK
15:20-16:00 |
Arnaud Wisman,
University of Kent at Canterbury, UK
16:00-16:30 |
Break (tea, coffee, biscuits and poster session) in the i-Zone |
16:30-17:10 |
Eric Igou,
Tilburg University, The Netherlands
17:10-18:00 |
Kees van den Bos (keynote address),
University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
18:00- onwards |
Dinner at one of Southampton's fine restaurants (list provided). |
20:30- onwards |
Drinks party at The Sedikides' |
09:00-09:40 |
Vivian Vignoles, University of Sussex, UK Identity motives and the extended self: common predictors of identification with relationships, groups, possessions, brands and places |
09:40-10:20 |
Julie J. Exline, Case Western Reserve University, USA Coping with personal limitations: the challenges of humility and self-forgiveness |
10:20-10:50 |
Break (tea, coffee, biscuits and poster session) in the i-Zone. |
10:50-11:30 |
Jessica Salvatore,
University of Exeter, UK
11:30- 12:10 |
Jochen Bebauer,
Cardiff University, UK
12:10-13:00 |
Astrid Schütz,
Chemnitz University, Germany
13:00-14:30 |
Lunch (in the i-Zone)
Kees van den Bos, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
Itsek Alfasi
University of Southampton |
Gizem Arikan
University of Southampton |
Elle Boag
University of Southampton |
Pamela Bretschneider
University of Exeter |
Mike Brown
University of Southampton |
Martin Bruder
University of Cardiff |
Kathy Carnelley
University of Southampton |
Slywia Cicek
Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland |
Filippo Cordaro
University of Southampton |
Peggy Emmerink
Tilburg University, The Netherlands |
Ilka Gleibs
University of Exeter |
Richard Gramzow
University of Southampton |
Aiden Gregg
University of Southampton |
Claire Hart
University of Southampton |
Erica Hepper
University of Southampton |
Victoria Hui
University of Southampton |
N. Hulmes
University of Southampton |
Michelle Luke
University of Southampton |
M. May
University of Southampton |
Kitila Mkumbo
University of Southampton |
Kelly Mostand
University of Southampton |
Katherine Noebels
University of Tuebingen, The Netherlands |
Jennifer Palomares
University of Southampton |
Tim Ritchie
University of Southampton |
Michelle Ryan
University of Exete |
Constantine Sedikides
University of Southampto |
Joanne Smith
University of Exeter |
Shaun Smith
University of Southampton |
Laura Smith
University of Exeter |
Elena Stephan
University of Southampton |
Tim Wildschut
University of Southampton |