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Friday 11 July: Existential perspectives on the self


Lunch and poster presentations (in the i-zone)


Clay Routledge, North Dakota State University, USA
In the search of the immortal self: when symbolic self-preservation motives are proritized over physical health and safety


Philip Cozzolino, University of Essex, UK
Differential effects of mortality salience and death reflection on motivation and choice


Arnaud Wisman, University of Kent at Canterbury, UK
Facing death: the role of self-awareness in coping with death awareness


Break (tea, coffee, biscuits and poster session) in the i-Zone


Eric Igou, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
On the dialectics of life and death: when life and mortality salience lead to worldview defense


Kees van den Bos (keynote address), University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
Existential person uncertainty

18:00- onwards

Dinner at one of Southampton's fine restaurants (list provided).

20:30- onwards

Drinks party at The Sedikides'

Saturday 12 July: Reconciling the self-system


Vivian Vignoles, University of Sussex, UK

Identity motives and the extended self: common predictors of identification with relationships, groups, possessions, brands and places


Julie J. Exline, Case Western Reserve University, USA

Coping with personal limitations: the challenges of humility and self-forgiveness


Break (tea, coffee, biscuits and poster session) in the i-Zone.


Jessica Salvatore, University of Exeter, UK
On the differences between feeling independent and behaving independently

11:30- 12:10

Jochen Bebauer, Cardiff University, UK
Comparing current to past selves, the mood congruence model


Astrid Schütz, Chemnitz University, Germany
Implicit and explicit self-esteem in health outcomes, relationship issues and clinical symptoms

13:00-14:30 Lunch (in the i-Zone)

Speakers and attendees



Itsek Alfasi
University of Southampton
Gizem Arikan
University of Southampton
Elle Boag
University of Southampton
Pamela Bretschneider
University of Exeter
Mike Brown
University of Southampton
Martin Bruder
University of Cardiff
Kathy Carnelley
University of Southampton
Slywia Cicek
Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Filippo Cordaro
University of Southampton
Peggy Emmerink
Tilburg University, The Netherlands
Ilka Gleibs
University of Exeter
Richard Gramzow
University of Southampton
Aiden Gregg
University of Southampton
Claire Hart
University of Southampton
Erica Hepper
University of Southampton
Victoria Hui
University of Southampton
N. Hulmes
University of Southampton
Michelle Luke
University of Southampton
M. May
University of Southampton
Kitila Mkumbo
University of Southampton
Kelly Mostand
University of Southampton
Katherine Noebels
University of Tuebingen, The Netherlands
Jennifer Palomares
University of Southampton
Tim Ritchie
University of Southampton
Michelle Ryan
University of Exete
Constantine Sedikides
University of Southampto
Joanne Smith
University of Exeter
Shaun Smith
University of Southampton
Laura Smith
University of Exeter
Elena Stephan
University of Southampton
Tim Wildschut
University of Southampton

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