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The University of Southampton
Psychology Postgraduate study

How to Apply

Applications for the majority of our postgraduate taught programmes (including most professional development courses) are made using our online application form.

Before applying for postgraduate study you should:

  1. identify the postgraduate programme you wish to apply for; you may for instance need to take a one-year taught course before beginning research work
  2. check you meet the general entry requirements
  3. if applicable, ensure that you will be able meet any special requirements for international students
  4. identify how you will fund your postgraduate study
  5. obtain supporting documentation to support your application

You will then be ready to apply, using the University’s online form.


You can view all our postgraduate taught programmes here .

Some postgraduate doctoral programmes as classified as 'Research', while containing a taught element. Your can view these here . You can view our professional development programmes here .

General entry requirements

To apply for postgraduate study you must satisfy the University’s general entry requirements as well as any specific requirements for your chosen programme.

As well as academic qualifications and practical experience, we look for evidence of your interest in the programme and an understanding of the rigorous demands of postgraduate study.

You may be considering taking an MSc course as a precursor to a higher research degree. You can find details of the specialist research areas in the School of Psychology here .

International students

If you are an international student you will need to ensure that your academic and English language qualifications meet our entry requirements. You can find out more about English language qualifications and support here .

You may be required to provide English-language translations of degree certificates or transcripts to support your application.

You should apply as early as possible if you need to secure a UK visa or if you are applying for funding or sponsorship. You can find out more about UK immigration procedures here . Deadlines for research funding are usually several months in advance of the start date and can be as much as twelve months depending on the funding body.

Funding for postgraduate research

Postgraduate taught programmes may be supported by scholarships or grants, by an employer or may be self-funded. Unlike undergraduate programmes, there are no student loans.

If you are a prospective PhD student based in the UK, you could be eligible for support from  the ESRC's '1+3' system.

You can see a guide to fees and other costs here .

Supporting documentation

Most programmes require additional supporting documentation to be submitted as part of the application process. These can be uploaded with the online application form. As a guideline, this will include the following:

Online application

Applications are made using the University’s online application form here . You can find instructions on completing the form here .

Be sure to specify the correct programme and school. For programmes that are hosted by other schools, you should select the name of that school.

You will be sent an acknowledgement email as soon as we have received your application. You can use online tracking to track the progress of your application.

Applications will only be considered when all documentation has been received.


A few postgraduate-level programmes require a direct application. These are generally those that are closely tied in to employment within the NHS or another agency.  This is highlighted in the details for the individual programme, and you should contact the named administrator for more details on application.


For general and application-related enquiries, you should contact the Faculty of Environmental and Life Sciences Admissions team , tel.  +44 (0)23 8059 3483.

Apply online here .

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