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The University of Southampton

Research project: The English and Romanian Adoption Study (ERA)

Currently Active:

The English and Romanian Adoptee (ERA) Project is a longitudinal, multi-method investigation of the development of children adopted into the UK from Romania in the early 1990's.

Over nearly twenty five years the study has documented the development of Romanian adoptees and has revolutionised our understanding of the impact of early adversity on development. Although many adoptees, despite suffering terrible trauma and deprivation, seemed to have developed well, a substantial minority have suffered from severe and impairing neuro-developmental disorders. The study also includes analysis of brain imaging data collected from some of the young adult adoptees to understand better how early experience shapes brain development. Using a qualitative methods approach, we are currently exploring how some of the adoptees who present with ADHD symptoms and co-occurring disorders navigated the transition to adulthood and what adoptive families and support services can do to help them. This work is funded by The Waterloo Foundation.

Principle Investigator: Professor Edmund Sonuga-Barke

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Centre for Innovation in Mental Health (CiMH)
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