All BSc Psychology students have the option to spend the first semester of their third year at a European partner university abroad. Similarly, we welcome students from partner universities in continental Europe.
Currently, Psychology has European links with the following universities:
Partner universities have a programme structure similar to our own. The modules that you take during your semester abroad will be marked by local teaching staff. In most instances, teaching is in English. However, if you are already fluent in another relevant European language, your choice could be even wider.
There is a real advantage of spending some time abroad. Time spent in another country usually is considered a real bonus on your CV. In addition, you will make many new friends and the experience will certainly broaden your horizons.
Students visiting us from abroad thoroughly enjoy their stay with us. They can choose from a wide range of different course options, which constitute a real asset to their degrees at home.
Besides exchange opportunities inside Europe, the University and the Faculty have links with the following universities outside Europe:
The University’s international office has plenty of information on exchange opportunities and studying abroad. Within Psychology, we usually run an information session either late November or in early December for interested first and second year undergraduate students. If you want any further information meanwhile, Psychology’s exchange coordinator is Dr Verena Klein.
We also want to promote the opportunities of our students to study elsewhere. Our Exchange programme enables students to take four months in their final year to study abroad, and we are actively working to extend the number of universities to which you may travel.