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Public Policy|Southampton

Prof Kemp responds to three DEFRA calls for evidence


Recent consultations (10th November 2020) on DEFRAs proposals relating to the management of fishing quota in post-Brexit Britain exposes the imbalance between the politics of achieving a perceived fairer deal for the UK fishing industry and the need to manage our fisheries in a more sustainable way. The consultations seek to obtain views on how additional quota that the UK may secure in negotiations with the EU might be more fairly shared between the four administrations of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland; how the English share could be better distributed across the various sectors of the fleet to the benefit of the industry and coastal communities; and how English-licenced vessels might be better “economically linked” to coastal communities that would benefit from the landing of a greater proportion of the catch.

Read the University of Southampton's response Click to read their blog
Read the call for evidence: UK Administrations Read the call for evidence: Managing Quotas Read the call for evidence: Strengthening Economic Link
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