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The University of Southampton
Public Policy|Southampton

A reflection of my time working with Public Policy|Southampton (PPS)

Joan Ohizua
Joan Ohizua

When I joined Public Policy| Southampton in 2019, I did not know that it would be as rewarding as it has turned out to be. Prior to me joining the team, I had a limited understanding of what PPS did. However, as the months went by, I grew to appreciate the intricacies of PPS. A team that provides specialise policy support to researchers, while simultaneously, connecting both researchers and policymakers to bridge the gap of knowledge exchange and ensure a seamless collaboration.

I was hired as a Digital Communications Officer to share policy related work on all our social media channels. I posted policy engagement videos on YouTube which showcased University of Southampton academics discussing their research and collaboration with both PPS and policymakers. Likewise, I also featured policy news and opportunities on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to increase the engagement reach. I assisted in the dissemination of our monthly newsletter, which is sent to members to have an overview of what took place during the month. It was refreshing to see the desire that PPS has, in wanting to create a strong social media presence and showcase academics accomplishments.

As a law student, I appreciated that PPS provided an opportunity for me to learn more about the United Kingdom’s political system and the manner in which evidence-based research is incorporated in policymaking. I was able to attend policy training sessions hosted by PPS, in which I gained insights to the creation of policy briefs and engaging with policymakers. As an employee, it was important to join a team which was not only respectful but one that offers a collaborative and comfortable environment to thrive. The team members created an inclusive space in which all ideas were always welcome and encouraged. Although each member has their own distinct role, no one was ever too busy to offer assistance. The fact that PPS is a small close-knit group, who share banters and lighthearted stories, really contributed a great deal to making this work experience so uplifting and rewarding.

A year and a half ago, I could not imagine the impact that PPS would have on me. I did not only gain digital skills; I was constantly challenged to improve in the best way possible. The way in which PPS assist in the pathway to impact through the continuous monitoring of consultation responses, and connecting policymakers to relevant evidence, showcases how they contribute to community building that is informed through evidence-based research. Although joining the team I had a limited understanding to the wide-ranging capacity that PPS fills, concluding my internship, I have learnt so much more than I could have ever anticipated.

By: Joan Ohizua, BA. University of Toronto, Canada, JD/LLB 2020 University of Southampton, England

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