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The University of Southampton
Public Policy|Southampton

Evidence to Policy Blogs

Researchers and policymakers reflect on the process of evidence-based policymaking in their Policy Blogs. Often serendipitous, frequently frustrating and occasionally exhilarating, this transfer of knowledge at the nexus of cutting edge research and politically accountable policymaking provides opportunity to change communities, generations and nations.

If you are a Southampton researcher and would like to contribute a blog, read the guidelines below and send your blog to us here .

Submission Guidance Notes Evidence to Policy Blogs Archive
Misogyny in Music

Misogyny in Music

Read Laura Bea, Erin Johnson-Williams, Joseph Owen's blog on Misogyny in Music

Policy Smarts

Policy ‘smarts’

Read Alistair Sackley's blog on storytelling to enable knowledge transfer more effectively than a STEM only approach.

Dr Wassim Dbouk

Reflecting on COP28

Dr Wassim Dbouk shares his reflections on COP28, highlighting the different roles played by party delegates and observer organisations (including research institutions) at UN climate change conferences.

Sebastian Stein

The challenges of electric vehicles

Discover how our New Things Fund helped Sebastian Stein explore the challenges that electric vehicle drivers are facing on long journeys, and how artificial intelligence technologies might help.

Benjamin Cerfontaine and Rodolfo Barradas

Bridging the Gap

Southampton Lecturer Benjamin Cerfontaine and Department of Transport Senior Policy Advisor Rodolfo Barradas share both sides of their Royal Society Pairing Scheme.

Fiona Woollard

Alcohol screening during antenatal care

Principal investigator details the Responses to Alcohol and Pregnancy Project that explores what UK midwives think about proposals to introduce mandatory alcohol screening during antenatal care.


Transport decarbonisation technologies

Ben Giordano tells how his Department of Transport placement led to him working on an international comparator project to understand where the UK can work with the US on transport decarbonisation technologies.


Ultrasound Imaging in Podiatry and Physiotherapy

Professor Catherine Bowen and Professor Maria Stokes and colleagues, Active Living for Health Research Group, on Ultrasound Imaging in Podiatry and Physiotherapy musculoskeletal assessment, protocols and policy


Autonomous Vehicles

Read Seyed Toliyat's blog on a response to a Call for Evidence on The Future of Connected and Automated Mobility in the UK

Blog image

Sustainable continence technologies

Read from Professor Mandy Fader, Dr Jacqui Prieto, Dr Cathy Murphy, Margaret Macaulay, Dr Sandra Wilks on 'Sustainable continence technologies: Guidance, standards and environmental' impact

nurse blog

Nurse staffing policy

Read Professor Jane Ball and Professor Peter Griffiths' blog on Nurse staffing policy is critical to the safety of patients in hospitals

skin health blog

Skin Health

Read from Professor Dan Bader, Dr Peter Worsley and colleagues on 'Skin Health: Shaping NHS policy, international guidelines and industrial standards for improved patient benefit'

health policy blog

Transforming health policy

Read from Professor Claire Foster, Professor Alison Richardson, Dr David Wright and colleagues, on 'Transforming health policy, guidance and practice around cancer care'

Sustainability action plan PPS

Sustainability Action Plan

The strategy provides a framework for sustainability research, education, enterprise and corporate operations within the University

Thomas Robertson

Voice of Young Science workshop

Read Tom Robertson, Postdoctoral Resaerch Fellow, blog reflecting on his experience attending Voice of Young Scince event last year and learn more about how to join this year's edition.

Gareth Giles

PPS Academic Year in a Review

Gareth Giles, Head of Public Policy | Southampton, reflects on the 20/21 academic year and discusses various activities PPS engaged in.

Gareth Giles Head of PPS

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Report

Gareth Giles, Head of Public Policy|Southampton writes about Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Report and Action Plan to to ensure underrepresented groups are especially platformed and supported.

Laura Barr Policy Fellow Intern

The New Things Fund

Laura Barr, Policy Fellow Intern writes about our New Things Fund initiative launched in November 2020.

Enable project

What is the ENABLE project?

This study aims to understand and characterise the value and role of supported self-management, for patients and carers living with cancer that is treatable but not curable


A Week with PPS

Eliza worked with PPS for a week for her work experience, and reflects on her experience here

Justyna Lisinska

Cabinet Office placement

Justyna (Jonak) Lisinska, doctoral researcher in Web Science (ECS), and team leader of Digital Champions, reflects on her 3 months secondment to the Cabinet Office

Gareth Giles


Gareth Giles, Head of Public Policy|Southampton, writes about what knowledge brokerage brings to policymaking

Michaela Brockmann

Employers in the wrong seat?

Micheala Brockmann and Ian Laurie from the Education School explore attitudes and engagement of employers towards both on- and off-the-job training.


From the archive


Higher Education Digest

Gavin Costigan, Former Director at Public Policy|Southampton, reviews policy and funding changes in Higher Education.

Researchers at work

Views on Europe

To mark the two year anniversary of the UK's decision to leave the European Union students from the University of Southampton reflect on what Brexit has come to mean though their disciplinary lens.

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