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Public Policy|Southampton

Horizon scanning of Emission Reduction Technologies

Dr Lina Maria Zapata
Dr Lina Maria Zapata

Initial scoping and project development from PPS Marine and Maritime Policy Specialist Dr Wassim Dbouk and the MCA's Assistant Director of Maritime Future Technologies, Ashley Stehr, has led to the creation of two 3-month placement opportunities to conduct a literature review on emission reduction technologies as applicable to the maritime industry.  PPS is proud to announce that Dr Lina Maria Zapata , postgraduate research student within Engineering and Physical Sciences (Centre for Environmental Science), and Natasha Easton , a Leverhulme Trust “Understanding Maritime Futures” Doctoral scholar within SMMI, will be the inaugural MCA research interns.

Natasha Easton
Natasha Easton

Lina and Natasha will be conducting a literature review on emission reduction technologies. They will approach the topic from two different angles which accord with their respective expertise, with the aim of providing a holistic understanding of the technologies. The placements were made possible thanks to funding from the UKRI Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and Shell Shipping and Maritime. The outcomes of the work align clearly with Shell’s target of improving the efficiency of current and future ship designs to make the decarbonisation of large, ocean-going ships a realistic prospect in a shorter timescale. [Read more about the collaboration between the UoS and Shell in this field by clicking on the link below]

Shell Shipping & Maritime

UoS and Shell S&M Collaboration

The Centre for Maritime Futures launched by the University of Southampton and Shell Shipping & Maritime

Read more here
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