Policy Podcasts
Click here to lsten to our Policy Podcast series. In each episode we speak to the UoS researchers and experts, about their experiences in the domestic and foreign policies.
Prof. Jackie Bridges , University of Southampton, Prof. Jill Maben , University of Surrey, Prof. Ruth Harris , King's College London and Prof. Antony Arthur , University of East Anglia
Funded by the National Institute for Health Research, this collaboration aims to draw on the findings of four key research studies to inform UK nursing policy and practice in preparing for a post-pandemic future.
The current context of NHS hospital care is particularly challenging with unprecedented demand on services and significant difficulties in recruitment and retention of frontline care staff. The studies provide robust evidence of four key interventions for nursing and healthcare leaders and their impact on enabling the nursing and the health care support workforce to deliver empathic and compassionate care in practice. Each of the four research studies was led by a nursing professor in a UK university. Bridges et al. investigated the feasibility of implementing a team-based practice development programme CLECC (Creating Learning Environments for Compassionate Care) into acute care hospital settings (Bridges et al., 2018). Arthur et al. studied the feasibility of a relational care training intervention for healthcare assistants (Arthur et al., 2017). Harris et al. conducted a study into intentional rounding in hospital wards, investigating what works, for whom and in what circumstances (Harris et al., 2019). Maben et al. asked the same questions about Schwartz Center Rounds® in healthcare settings (Maben et al., 2018).
The evidence from these studies collectively provides insights into the usefulness or otherwise of different types of interventions and the system-wide changes required to better enable hospital nurses and support workers to deliver compassionate care. This collaboration between the King’s College London, The University of East Anglia, the University of Southampton and the University of Surrey is aimed at synthesising the findings from the individual studies into a jointly constructed picture of NHS hospital nursing and wider system influences, and using the results to stimulate a national conversation with national policy-makers and hospital nursing leaders to:
Watch the 3 minute briefing for 4 interventions designed to support nursing teams with Prof. Jackie Bridges.
Watch the 3' Briefing
Arthur, A., Aldus, C., Sarre, S., Maben, J., Wharrad, H., Schneider, J.M., Barton, G., Argyle, E., Clark, A., Nouri, F., 2017. Can Healthcare Assistant Training (CHAT) improve the relational care of older people? A developmental and feasibility study of a complex intervention. Health Services and Delivery Research 5 (10), 1-202.
Bridges, J., Pickering, R.M., Barker, H., Chable, R., Fuller, A., Gould, L., Libberton, P., Mesa Eguiagaray, I., Raftery, J., Aihie Sayer, A., Westwood, G., Wigley, W., Yao, G., Zhu, S., Griffiths , P., 2018. Implementing the Creating Learning Environments for Compassionate Care programme (CLECC) in acute hospital settings: a pilot RCT and feasibility study. Health Services and Delivery Research 6 (33), 1-166. https://www.journalslibrary.nihr.ac.uk/hsdr/hsdr06330/#/abstract
Harris, R., Sims, S., Leamy, M., Levenson, R., Davies, N., Brearley, S., Grant, R., Gourlay, S., Giampero, F., Ross, F., 2019. Intentional rounding in hospital wards: what works, for whom and in what circumstances? Health Services and Delivery Research 7 (35), 1-168. https://www.journalslibrary.nihr.ac.uk/hsdr/hsdr07350/#/abstract
Maben, J., Taylor, C., Dawson, J., Leamy, M., McCarthy, I., Reynolds, E., Ross, S., Shuldham, C., Bennett, L., Foot, C., 2018. A realist informed mixed-methods evaluation of Schwartz Center Rounds® in England. Health Services and Delivery Research 6 (37), 1-260. https://www.journalslibrary.nihr.ac.uk/hsdr/hsdr06370#/abstract
Click here to lsten to our Policy Podcast series. In each episode we speak to the UoS researchers and experts, about their experiences in the domestic and foreign policies.
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Guidance on the many channels available to researchers to engage with policymakers.
Guidance on things to consider in the science to policy process and useful tips in planning and costing your impact activities.