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The University of Southampton
Public Policy|Southampton

 Research funding proposals | Costs to consider



When planning your funding and research proposal there are a number of costs to consider. RCUK react positively to realistic and thought through dissemination events and a clear budget is a good way of demonstrating this. Below is an inexhaustive list of indicative costings to support you with that task.

If you would like to talk this over with a member of the Public Policy|Southampton team , please email us , call us on 02380 598981, pop in to the office in Building 15, Room 2025 on Highfield campus or find us on Teams .

Costs associated with including PPS into your funding proposal

Stakeholder analysis and Policy synthesis

PPS have recently launched a Policy Associates Scheme through which UoS PhD Students or Post Doctoral Fellows can be recruited in order to support the delivery of variety of UKRI funded projects and activities across the University through two functions: stakeholder analysis and policy synthesis. Please include £3000 in your Justification of Resources to make use of our Policy|Associates scheme. This expenditure should be listed as Casual labour (resource required to undertake short term tasks to support the proposed research).

Other costs you need to consider

Policy event

Remember an MP can sponsor your event for free in the Palace of Westminster. Public Policy|Southampton can help you identify and contact MPs likely to support your research dissemination.


Design & Printing Costs

An estimation of the cost is approx. £250 which includes design of an A4 4pp document, purchasing an iStock photo and creating a graph/infographics. This estimate includes three sets of author’s corrections. It’s worth noting that at this stage this is an only estimate. If the brief changes substantially, or there are additional sets of amendments then any extra time will be charged at £40.00/hour. Design time includes concept work, graphic design, sourcing images, author’s corrections, project management and preparing artwork. It is charged at an hourly rate of £60.00 for the first hour and £40.00/hour thereafter.



In consultation with iSolutions a URL for your research project will be reserved and a wireframe will be developed based on your requirements. Please be aware that this process can take between 2 and 20 weeks. Once the wireframe has been built and the URL reserved a member of your research team (normally a research assistant) will need to complete two sets of training sessions from iSolutions in order to upload content to your website.

Alternatively you can host your website outside of the University domain by using an external web developer.

Podcast & Video production

Filming short summative pieces about your research project's dissemination event produces a versatile output which can be shared easily and quickly with stakeholders and sits successfully with a traditional policy brief.

PPS can support with the production of one or more 20 minute podcast episodes during your project. Promoted via our Social Media channels to a broad policy audience these legacy outputs create an opportunity to engage and produce quantitative data for funders of the reach of your policy engagement activities. This service is currently provided without charge.

For this service please refer to the University's dedicated page on Sharepoint for more information HERE.



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