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The University of Southampton
Public Policy|Southampton

Voice of Young Science

Voice of Young Science

Southampton Early Career Researchers (ECRs) have the chance to be part of Sense of Science's Voice of Young Science (VoYS) – a growing international community of ECRs who are inspired and motivated to take responsibility for the public conversation about science and evidence.

VoYS is built on the ethos of the challenge of engaging the public, policymakers and journalists in current discussions about science and research.

It provides training, resources and ongoing opportunities to build the confidence and skills of ECRs to engage in the public discourse around science, research and the research process.

It aims to inspire researchers to understand why it is so important that they stand up for science by:

·       training that builds confidence and skills to talk about some of the trickiest issues around evidence and research for example, uncertainty, research integrity and trade-offs;

·       delivery to a group of motivated ECRs who want to get involved in public discussions around science;

·       maintaining a supportive network, and providing resources and inspiring stories from other researchers.

Join the Voice of Young Science network

To join the VoYS network email us for more information.

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