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The University of Southampton
Quality Handbook Off campus learning

Guidance to Support Students on University Fieldwork

The purpose of this guidance is to support staff members who are responsible for planning and/or attending fieldwork either abroad or in the UK, involving University students who have support needs.

It provides a framework for staff who may be faced with difficult decisions, either prior to or during fieldwork, about the student’s fitness to attend/or continue with the fieldwork including supporting students with disabilities, ­­­­­health conditions, (including mental health) and students experiencing significant personal difficulties.

Although specifically related to fieldwork, the guidance could be helpful for other activities such as:

This guidance is not an official University policy, instead it provides a framework of strategies and approaches which may be adapted to the department or specific trip. Other University documentation/resources to be consulted include:

  1. Student Support Review Regulations
  2. Principles for Fieldwork
  3. Code of Conduct for Fieldwork
  4. Health, Safety and Risk Fieldwork SharePoint site
  5. Insurance webpages
  6. Student Reasonable adjustments - process for Student Support Recommendations (SSRs)

The Student Services Guidance document includes key milestones, points for consideration and emergency preparedness information; to ensure that staff involved in the planning and delivery of fieldwork are equipped with the information and support from professional services colleagues they require to support students on fieldwork.

Useful Downloads

Student Services Guidance to Support Students on University Fieldwork

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