Students will be examined by an external and an internal examiner but in exceptional circumstances one additional external examiner may be appointed. However, members of staff of the University of Southampton in candidature for a research degree will be examined by two external examiners and an internal examiner.
The examiners' nomination process is specified in the Regulations for Research Degrees and the Code of Practice for Research Degree Candidature and Supervision and nominees should have sufficient experience and appropriate subject expertise to be able to examine effectively. Examiners should also be sensitive to (and take into account in the examining process) reasonable adjustments, equality and diversity. Collectively, the examiners will have examined at least three doctoral examinations, and will be familiar with examination practice and standards in the UK. When making appointments, the University must be assured of the independence, expertise and experience of the examining team.
It is the responsibility of the student's co-ordinating supervisor to ensure that arrangements for the examination are made and they are expected to ensure that the Doctoral College (Faculty) Team is advised of the date of the viva voce.
The viva voce will be chaired by the internal examiner or by an independent chair. The role of the chair is to:
The Code of Practice sets out the circumstances when an independent chair must be appointed by the Faculty. The independent chair is required to provide a written report which should be submitted to the Faculty Director of the Graduate School immediately following the examination and any reported concerns must be reviewed with a view to satisfactorily resolving the matter.
A research student must satisfy the examiners in both the thesis and the viva voce. Following the viva voce, the examiners will recommend one of the outcomes as defined in the Regulations for Research Degrees.
Doctoral Degrees with a Substantial Taught Element
The University offers a number of doctoral degrees with a substantial taught element; for example the Doctor of Clinical Psychology. The University also offers the Integrated PhD programme in certain disciplines. These programmes require separate examiners for both the taught and the research elements.
An external examiner should be appointed for the taught element of such programmes in accordance with the University’s procedures regarding the appointment of, and the roles and responsibilities of external examiners for taught programmes. This examiner may serve as an external examiner for a cohort of students for the taught element. A student must not be examined in their taught and research components by the same external examiner. Note, however, that:
Postgraduate Research Examining Team: Guidance for Faculties
Guidance for Examiners of Postgraduate Research Awards
Conducting a viva voce as a videoconference - guidance
Examiners' Nomination Form - Postgraduate Research
Examiner's Independent Report Form (MPhil and Doctoral Programmes)
Chair's Report Form - Postgraduate Research Viva Voce
Examiners' Joint Report and Recommendation Form: MPhil
Examiners' Joint Report and Recommendation Form: Doctoral Programmes
AP08 External Examiner (PGR & PGT only) Claim for Fees and Expenses Form
Guidance for Travelling and Expenses (non-university personnel)