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The University of Southampton
Researching Assessment Practices (RAP)


Emanuela Lotti

Faculty of Social, Human, and Mathematical Sciences

Discipline: Economics

Focus: Assessment Literacy (AL) & Assessment Feedback (AF)

We are planning an intervention to a first year module in microeconomics. The department, traditionally, offers two modules in microeconomics, which run parallel in semester 1. ECON1001 is for students without A-level Economics, while ECON1003 is for students with A-level Economics. They both have an average of 200 students coming from different disciplines within and outside the Faculty. Next year, students on both modules will be sitting the same lectures, while attending different classes. This offers an opportunity to look at the impact of an intervention on AL and AF. In particular, we are providing an additional workshop in one of the two (ECON1001 is our treatment and we are planning to use ECON1003 as our control group). The aim of the workshop is to  facilitate collaboration among students and to offer a practical way to understand the marking criteria of the module. During the  hands-on session students will be required to mark and provide feedback on real or example questions in line with Smith et al (2013).

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