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The University of Southampton
Researching Assessment Practices (RAP)


Mark Telford

Faculty of Business, Law and Arts

Discipline: Law

Focus: Assessment Literacy

Effective feedback in modules and programmes is one of the most important contributors to student learning. It is clear from important metrics such as the National Student Survey that law students across the country tend to be unconvinced that assessment and feedback processes on their programmes are as good as they could be. Southampton Law School is no exception to this and improving the effectiveness of our assessment feedback, and the students’ perception of it, is one of the key objectives for the School. The principal aims of this small scale study are: (1) To understand first year law students’ perceptions of feedback: what does feedback mean? Who should provide it? What is the appropriate role for the student in it?; (2) To evaluate the extent to which students understand the standard of work they should be working to produce and the criteria and standards that their work will be assessed by; (3) To begin to develop, and test, interventions that will help to enhance students assessment literacy with the overall aim of helping to improve their self-regulatory capacity to become more effective assessors of their own work and progress.

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