Aim: To position the University for expected EPSRC call on whole-system approaches to transport decarbonisation.
What is RE4EM and what is it doing?
The event featured 8 presentations from academics and PhD students.
Slides from the event:
Connecting and serving stakeholders across the whole energy community, advancing and championing UK energy storage research and deployment. The development of energy storage technologies is vital to the UK’s low energy networks, helping to bring carbon emissions to Net Zero by 2050. The Supergen Energy Storage Network+ is an integrated, forward-looking platform that supports, nurtures the expertise of the energy storage community, disseminating it through academia, industry, and policy, at a particularly important time when decisions on future funding and research strategy are still being resolved.
For information on events hosted by Supergen Network+ visit their website.
Cenex organises the UK’s largest Low Carbon Vehicle (LCV) event, providing an ideal platform for UK capabilities to showcase and engage with informers to discuss emerging technologies, industry issues and what the future holds.
For information on events hosted by CENEX visit their website.