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The University of Southampton
Relief-OpS Project


The models that we develop in this project belong to optimization and simulation models. Hence, in this page, we also provide resources that are relevant to our models.

Introduction to simulation

We recommend the following tutorials:

  1. The basic of simulation : This tutorial provides an introduction to simulation
  2. Statistical Analysis of Simulation Output Data : This tutorial provides an introduction to understanding and analysing simulation outputs
  3. A Practical Introduction to Analysis of Simulation Output Data : This tutorial also provides an introduction to understanding and analysing simulation outputs
  4. Success tips for simulation project : This tutorial provides advices in conducting a successful simulation project

In general, Winter Simulation Conference provides one of the best resources that introduce simulation modelling.

Introduction to optimization

We recommend the following tutorials

  1. Tutorial on optimization via simulation: How to choose the best set up for a system. This tutorial is accompanied by a Github repository which includes Python code for the algorithms. Please follow this link and go to page 25.
  2. An Introduction to Simulation Optimization : This tutorial provides an introduction to simulation optimization.
  3. Professor Barry Nelson provides a series of videos introducing simulation optimization. Please follow this link to access the videos.
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