About Pure
Find out about our leading research information system and why we use it
Current members of academic staff and postgraduate research students can log in using their University username and password at pure.soton.ac.uk .
We use Single Sign On to access Pure so if you visit the Pure page you will be automatically logged in. Please always use the link: https://pure.soton.ac.uk/ . If this link does not work, try clearing the browser cache in your regular browser.
If you still cannot login please contact serviceline@soton.ac.uk for assistance.
If you still cannot log into Pure please get in touch with Pure support at pure@soton.ac.uk or raise a ticket with Service Line
The following information is drawn from corporate systems:
Personal details |
(HR system)
Awards and Projects | Agresso Business World (Post-award finance system) |
Equipment | Agresso Fixed Assets (Equipment finance system) |
Student information and supervisions | Banner (Student information system) |
A privacy statement outlining the use and dissemination of your information can be viewed on the Pure SharePoint Site .
Each Faculty has appointed one or more Pure superusers who can provide advice. Contact addresses for Faculty support can be found on the Pure support page in the 'Support and training' section.
Get in touch with your Faculty Pure contact or Research Engagement Librarian to request this. We will then coordinate a training session accordingly. Alternatively, you can come along to one of our Pure Drop-In sessions (scroll down to the ‘Events Schedule’ at the bottom of the page’) .
The ePrints team in the Library are the authority in these areas. Please contact them at eprints@soton.ac.uk
Whilst it is recommended that you leave your notifications on, you can customise which notifications you receive. Instructions on how to do this can be found on the Library Pure Page – Message and email settings in Pure .
Find out about our leading research information system and why we use it
Read our guidance on how to get started in Pure
Discover how to get support when using Pure