The RUTI trial has required a lot of work from several organisations and many individuals to enable it to take place.
The National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) has provided the funding for a 5 year post doctoral Research Fellowship that has enabled this project to be developed. Without this support the RUTI trial and the associated work into defining good practice of CHM, producing a Cochrane systematic review of clinical trials of CHM for RUTIs, exploring the experience both of women living with RUTIs and of GPs who help to manage this difficult condition in Primary care, would not have taken place.
The Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine (RCHM) has provided funding to help in the preparatory work leading up to the trial and has also helped fund the trial itself.
George He, Managing Director of Phoenix Medical Ltd , has helped fund the trial and has been incredibly supportive in providing and translating key documentation that has enabled this trial to pass the regulatory requirements set by the MHRA.
Co-ordinators and participants of the Cystitis and Overactive Bladder Foundation (COBF) website have generously shared their experiences of recurrent UTIs and helped us to gain a better understanding of what it means for women and men who have to live with this condition.
Members of the Department of Primary Care and Population Sciences at The University of Southampton have provided ongoing support and encouragement without which this trial could not have taken place. Jane Cousins and Judy Chatwin deserve a special mention.
Lee Priest, the Qualified Person at Essential Nutrition , has worked tirelessly and skilfully to help us through the demanding regulatory procedures required of a clinical trial of this nature. His patience and expertise have been very much appreciated.