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The University of Southampton
The RUTI trial

Participant Information Sheets and Consent forms

The Participant Information Sheets (PIS) and Consent Form provide more details about the trial and what it will mean for you if you decide to take part. They describe the possible benefits and risks, and provide an assurance about our commitment to respecting your right to confidentiality for any data you provide us during the trial. In addition to these forms we will provide other forms that will be used for the trial.

Participant Information Sheets

There are two different information sheets for you to download. One relates to those who live in or around the Southampton area. Women in this arm of the trial will be seen by research nurses at their GP practice and will be given capsules of herbal medicine. The second is relevant to you if you belong to a GP practice in North London or Hove. Participants in this arm of the trial will be seen by a practitioner of Chinese herbal medicine and will be prescribed herbs as a strong tasting tea.

You can download the forms that are relevant to you at the bottom of this page.

Consent Form

After you have read the PIS if you want to take part in the trial you will be asked to sign a trial Consent form. This form can also be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

If you have any concerns about any of these forms or any other questions about the trial please contact the Trial Co-ordinator, Dr Kim Harman, at

Emergency un-blinding form

This form is only for use by practice nurses involved in the trial. It describes the procedures to be followed in the event that it becomes necessary to break the blinding for a participant enrolled in the trial.

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