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The University of Southampton
Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute

Ms Vasiliki Koutra MSc, BSc

Senior Medical Statistician

Ms Vasiliki Koutra's photo

Ms Vasiliki Koutra is Senior Medical Statistician at the University of Southampton. She received a PhD in Statistics and was recently awarded an accolade for the best PhD in statistics under the Elenion award from the Greek Statistical Institute.

Harmony is a synthesis of enthusiasm & dynamism logic & symmetry

MSc Social Statistics , Statistics pathway (with distinction), University of Southampton.
BSc Mathematics , University of Ioannina (Greece).

Research interests

Research interests:
My research interests focus mainly on the statistical design and analysis of experiments on complex real-world social networks.

My general interest fields are:

  • Statistical methodology, modelling and computation.
  • Optimum experimental design theory.
  • Structure and dynamics of social networks.
  • Multivariate statistical techniques.
  • Heuristic methods and optimisation algorithms

Research title: Designing experiments on social networks.

PhD supervision:


  • Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) postgraduate funding.
  • Advanced Quantitative Methods Award.

Teaching assistant for tutorials, computer workshops and short courses.

BSc courses:
MATH3014 - Design and Analysis of Experiments

MSc courses :
MATH6027 - Design of Experiments
STAT6084 - Multivariate Analysis
STAT6108 - Analysis of Hierarchical (Multilevel and Longitudinal) Data

External programmes:
Courses of Applied Social sciences (CASS):
• Regression Methods
• Applied Multilevel Modelling

NCRM (the ESRC National Centre for Research Methods):
• Applied Multilevel Modelling

Ms Vasiliki Koutra
Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute University of Southampton Highfield Southampton SO17 1BJ UK
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