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The University of Southampton
Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute

Administrative data 17/07/14

Course number: ADRCE-training004 Moses
Summary of Course:
The course will consider what administrative data are, and differences between survey and administrative data, and will consider the potential benefits of using administrative data alongside some of the accompanying challenges. Throughout the course there will be real case examples based on the experience ONS has had to date. Whilst the course discusses the benefits to be achieved from linking administrative datasets, it does not go into technical details.
The process by which administrative data can be accessed is discussed, as are legal responsibilities such as the Data Protection Act and Human Rights Act.
The course does not assume any prior knowledge of working with administrative data, but does require participants to consider their personal interactions with various administrative systems.

Course Objectives:

  • To develop an understanding of what is meant by the term ‘administrative data'
  • To describe the benefits and limitations of using administrative data
  • To understand the process by which access to administrative data can be achieved

Course Content:
This course will include the following topics:

  • What are administrative data
  • What administrative data sources are available
  • Why use administrative data
  • Challenges when using administrative data
  • How to get access to administrative data - including the legal situation and SRSA

Target Audience:
The course is aimed at researchers who need to gain an understanding of administrative data. The course emphasizes the practicalities of gaining access to, and working with administrative data. Participants may be academic researchers in the social and health sciences or may work in government, survey agencies, official statistics, for charities or the private sector.


Course Materials:
Participants will receive written course notes

The Instructor:
Briony Moses is Senior Researcher in Demographic Administrative Sources Branch, Office for National Statistics. She has extensive knowledge of accessing and using administrative data within ONS.

Thanks to continued ESRC funding we are able to offer this course at reduced rates as follows:

  • £30 per day for UK registered students
  • £60 per day for staff at UK academic institutions, RCUK funded researchers, UK public sector staff and staff at UK registered charity organisations
  • £220 per day for all other participants (concessions may apply here too please contact ).

The course fee includes course materials, lunches and morning and afternoon refreshments. Travel and accommodation are to be arranged and paid for by the participant.

Location and Accommodation:
The course will be held at the Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute, Building 39, University of Southampton, Southampton, SO17 1BJ.
Maps and travel information are available from the University of Southampton Travel Page ( ). This also includes a map of the Highfield Campus ( ). Building 39 is at the end of Salisbury Road edging onto Southampton Common.
Further information on local accommodation and course location is available here.

This is a 1-day course. Start and finishing times will be confirmed shortly.

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