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The University of Southampton
Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute

Meta-Analysis of Rare Events 05/09/2014

Course Description
The course will address the question of single-zero or double zero studies which can occur in one or both arms of a trial involved in the meta-analysis.

The course will focus on Mantel-Haenszel techniques as well on Poisson regression models which all allow the occurrence of zero-events in one or both arms. Zero-inflation models are also covered .

This course will use the package STATA throughout.

£150 for registered students
£200 for staff from academic institutions (including research centres)
£250 for all other participants

Additional Information

The course fee includes course materials, lunches and morning and afternoon refreshments. Travel and accommodation are to be arranged and paid for by the participant.

Registration and coffee will begin at 9.00, with formal teaching commencing at 9.30am.

University of Southampton - Building 39

Venue Details
University of Southampton,
Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute,
Building 39,
SO17 1BJ

Additional Information
The course will be held at the Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute, Building 39, University of Southampton, Southampton, SO17 1BJ. Participants will need to make their own accommodation arrangements.

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