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The University of Southampton
Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute

Responsive survey design at the Australian Bureau of Statistics: potential and pitfalls Seminar

21 September 2012
Building 58 Room 2097

For more information regarding this seminar, please email Mrs Jane Revell at .

Event details

Methodology seminars

Response rates for ABS surveys have historically been high. However, the cost and effort of maintaining high response rates has been increasing in recent years. Typically, response rates are used as a measure of survey quality, but a high response rate does not guarantee minimal non-response bias. Responsive survey design can be employed to help achieve a representative sample by adapting survey data collection using alternative indicators of survey quality. In this seminar, I will discuss research into responsive survey design at the ABS. Issues such as the difficulty in obtaining good quality and timely paradata to model household response and the trade-off between survey cost, effort, non-response bias and response rates will be highlighted.

Speaker information

Lan Kelly , Australian Bureau of Statistics. Responsive survey design at the Australian Bureau of Statistics

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