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The University of Southampton
Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute

S3RI Seminar - Age-period-cohort models for cancer incidence and mortality, Dr Theresa Smith (University of Bath) Seminar

Mathematical Sciences
S3RI Seminar
14:00 - 15:00
12 April 2018
To be confirmed.

For more information regarding this seminar, please email Dr Helen Ogden at .

Event details

Age-period-cohort models have been used to examine and forecast cancer incidence and mortality for over three decades. However, the fitting and interpretation of these models requires great care because of the well-known identifiability problem that exists; given any two of age, period, and cohort, the third is determined. In this talk I introduce APC models and the identifiability problem. I examine proposed ‘’solutions’’ to this problem and approaches based on an identifiable parametrization. I conclude with an analysis of cancer incidence data from Washington State and a discussion of future research directions.​

Speaker information

Dr Theresa Smith , University of Bath. Dr Smith is a lecturer in the Statistics group in Bath, and her research is in methods for data with spatial and temporal structure. In particular, she is interested in applications in public health and medicine and in computation for latent Gaussian models.

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