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The University of Southampton
Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute


List of all research projects in Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute
Project Research Group
An investigation of the effects of moderate fish oil intake
Analysis methods of spectroscopic data
Bayesian disclosure risk estimation
Bayesian forecasting of immigration into European countries - Dormant
Bayesian model determination
Bayesian modelling of multivariate categorical data
Benefits of the Alexander Technique for sufferers with low back pain Primary Care, Population Sciences and Medical Education
Combining migration data in England and Wales
Disclosure risk assessment for survey microdata
Disclosure risk control using synthetic data
Enhancing quality of business survey data
Estimation of structural dynamic parameters at higher
Family attitudes and demographic behaviour
Gender role attitudes and labour force participation
Health and well-being of cancer survivors
Hierarchical analysis of unit-nonresponse in multistage surveys
Household formation and dissolution across the life course
Integrated modelling of european migration
International Migration in Europe
Interviewer effects on wave nonresponse in longitudinal surveys
Leaving home and living arrangements of young adults
Measuring and accounting for period fertility trends
Models for longitudinal categorical data
New bootstrap bia corrections with application to estimation of prediction MSE in small area estimation with binary data
Novel statistical approaches to chemical, biological or radiological source term estimation
Optimal design of experiments for second harmonic generation in chemistry
Optimisation of statistical disclosure control methods
Outcomes of teenage parenthood for mothers, fathers and children
Postponement and recuperation
Prediction of thermophysical properties of pharmeceutical compounds
Reducing costs by investing in new knowledge for business data integration, systematisation and access
Representativity indicators for survey quality (RISQ)
Small area estimation under a two-part random effects model with application to estimation of literacy in developing countries
Solving the problem of attrition in longitudinal surveys
Statistical disclosure control methods for census output
Statistical modelling of physical activity energy expenditure in diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome
Survey data quality
The Use of Paradata in Cross–Sectional and Longitudinal Surveys
Understanding social change in attitudes to cohabitation, divorce and sexual morality
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