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The University of Southampton
Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute

Research project: Understanding social change in attitudes to cohabitation, divorce and sexual morality

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The role of age, period and cohort effects in attitudinal change is explored.

This work involves the quantitative analysis of survey data including repeated cross-sectional data from the British Social Attitude Survey, and repeated measures of individual attitude from the British Household Panel Survey in order to quantify and explain net and gross change in attitudes to cohabitation, divorce and sexual morality.

Berrington, A., Hu, Y., Ramirez-Ducoing, K. and Smith, P.W.F. (2005). Multilevel modelling of repeated ordinal measures: An application to attitudes to divorce. S3RI working paper, A05/10.

Berrington, A. and Smith, P.W.F. (2009). Sexual Morality and family attitudes in Britain. The roel of conhort replacement and period effects in additudinal change. Presentation to XXVI IUSSP International Conferences, Marrakech 27 September -2 October 2009.

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