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The University of Southampton
Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute

Statistical disclosure control

The aim of statistical disclosure control (SDC) is to prevent sensitive information about individual respondents from being disclosed. Statistical agencies have statutory and ethical obligations to protect the confidentiality of the data they collect.

At the same time, there are increasing demands by researchers and policy makers for statistical agencies to release information to be used for statistical purposes.

  • Ongoing research projects with the UK Office for National Statistics (ONS) on topics such as disclosure risk assessment for survey. microdata and SDC methods for the 2011 Census outputs based on a disclosure risk-data utility approach.
  • Representation on the UK Census Methodology Advisory Committee Statistical Disclosure Control Sub-group, as well as the Task Force on European Union Methodology for Census Data Disclosure Control (CENSDC).
  • Chris Skinner is Editor and Natalie Shlomo and Jon Forster are Associate Editors of the Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality.
  • In May 2004, S3RI sponsored an international Confidentiality Symposium.
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