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The University of Southampton
Stefan Cross Centre for Women, Equality and Law News, Events and Seminars

SCC Seminar: Women, child custody and marrying out in Qatar – what implications for human rights? Event

13:00 - 14:00
17 November 2021
Via Teams

Event details

All are welcome to join us for our lunchtime seminar given by Dr Rajnaara Akhtar. Please email for the Teams link to join. Dr Rajnaara Akhtar is an Assistant Professor at Warwick Law School. She is a socio-legal researcher with a focus on family law. In particular, her research centres on marriage formalities and legal treatment of non-state registered religious-only marriages. Her research into informal marriages looks at transitional relationship norms, normative influences, legal consequences and autonomy. She has conducted extensive empirical fieldwork in this area in the UK, Qatar and Australia. She is currently working on two grant funded empirical projects, the first focussing on non-legally binding weddings taking place in England and Wales funded by the Nuffield Foundation. The second is looking at women’s marriage and divorce experiences in Qatar, funded by the Doha International Family Institute.

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