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The University of Southampton
Southampton Centre for Eighteenth Century Studies

AHRC Funding Success

Published: 13 June 2012

An application to the AHRC for network funding linking Southampton to colleagues in Leeds and at UCL has been successful.

The Southampton participants in the project, on Creative Communities, 1750-1830. are Stephen Bygrave and Emma Clery (English) who will host a workshop on Regional Networks of Creativity at Chawton House Library in 2013. This event will ask how regional networks - comprised of individuals such as publishers and patrons, or institutions such as periodicals and friendship groups - supported creative endeavour and how the provinces might offer an alternative culture by examining representative figures such as Joseph Priestley and William Roscoe, who played a key role in the establishment of cultural institutions as markers of civic pride and commercial identity. The event will involve an exhibition of relevant works, and one strand of the workshop will focus on the involvement of women writers in regional creative networks.

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