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The University of Southampton
Southampton Centre for Eighteenth Century Studies

British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship

Published: 3 March 2015

Congratulations to Dr Thomas Irvine, who has been awarded a British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship for his project 'Listening to China: Sonic Modernity and the Sino-Western Encounter, 1770-1839’. The aim of this project is the better understanding of Western perceptions of China around 1800. At its heart is engagement with reports of Western ‘ear-witnesses’ of China around 1800,  integrated with and read against a survey of Western writing on Chinese sound-worlds from 1770 to 1839. The project explains changing Western views of China at a crucial turning point in the history of Sino-Western relations. The Fellowship, which will run for 12 months from October 2015, will allow Tom to pursue archival research in the UK and US, spend two months as a visiting scholar at the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences at National Chiao Tung University in Hsinchu, Taiwan (where he will host a workshop involving colleagues from Taiwan, China and the US), develop a pop-up soundscape exhibition here in Southampton and complete a monograph book manuscript.

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