2021 event
Find out what's happening in Southampton Centre for Eighteenth Century Studies, including the latest news and forthcoming events and research seminars.
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FutureLearn MOOC - ‘ Jane Austen: Myth, Reality and Global Celebrity ’
Monthly meetings to discuss texts by C18 women writers. 2021 texts include Clara Reeve, The Progress of Romance (1785); Eliza Haywood, Love in Excess (1719-20); Maria Edgeworth, Letters for Literary Ladies (1795) and Hester Piozzi, Observations and Reflections Made in the Course of a Journey through France, Italy, and Germany (1789)
Walking Women: a Conversation with Kerri Andrews , author of Wanderers: A History of Women Walking
‘Austen’s Oceans: Naval Cries’
Curated by former MA student Amy Westfield, as part of her degree
‘Austen’s Shores: Jane Austen and the Seaside’
Curated by former MA student Sofia Wellbeloved, as part of her degree
Adventurous Wives
Organised by Alison Daniell and Kim Simpson, hosted by Chawton House. Speakers include Joanne Begiato and Sophie Couloumbeau.
Professor Christer Petley – University of Southampton (History), ‘Making Slavery Work: The Colonial Order of Things in Lists’ [Postponed: Covid]
Dr Helen Paul – University of Southampton, (Economics): 'Gilbert White’s 300th: who paid for his rural idyll?' [Postponed: Covid]
Dr Kim Simpson - University of Southampton (English): 'Hacking into the Hackneyed in the Anonymous Amatory Canon' [Postponed: Covid]
SCECS Student Conference 'Research in the Long Eighteenth Century' [Postponed: Covid]
Christine McAleavy (English PhD student): Recreating Eden in the English Orchard: Ralph Austen and John Beale, 1650 to 1670
Kerry Parker (English PhD student): Self-Indulgence: a tale of the nineteenth century (1812). A Regency roman-a-clef by Lady Charlotte Bury (1775-1861).
Gale Gould (History PhD student): ‘Public good or private gain? The politics of inclosure in the New Forest during the reign of George III, 1760-1820’
Catherine Garry (Music PhD student): ‘Consuming Italian Opera: Domestic Music-Making in the Elite Georgian Household’
Alison Daniell (English PhD student), ‘’Elizabeth Knight: A Woman to be Reckoned With (at Chawton House)
Professor Stephen Bygrave– University of Southampton (English), ‘Combustible mixtures: picturing Dissent in the 1790s’
Dr Stephen Bending—University of Southampton (English), ‘Pleasure Gardens and the Problems of Pleasure’
Alison Daniell (English PhD student), ‘Of False hair, Bolstered Hips and Witchcraft: The Regulation of Women’s Bodies and an Act of Parliament that Never Was ‘
Prof Karen Harvey, ‘Raising the dead: the body in eighteenth-century British letters’
Prof Andrew O’Shaughnessy, ‘A Comparative History of the British Empire and the Causes of the American Revolution’
Prof Catherine Hall: 'Whose memories? The stories the slave-owners told'
The South Sea Bubble of 1720
Episode 71 - When the bubble burst: The South Sea Company stock market crash by English Heritage | Free Listening on SoundCloud -
Captain Cook after 250 Years: Re-exploring the Voyages of James Cook
Problems with Plants: Symbolic and Cultural uses of Plants and Flowers in the Eighteenth Century