English Lecturer Makes an Impact with Charles Dickens

Dr Mary Hammond's forthcoming monograph, A Publishing and Reception History of Charles Dickens' Great Expectations 1860-2012, has been featured on the AHRC's website. Dr Hammond was awarded a 9-month AHRC Fellowship to undertake research for this innovative project, and as part of her fellowship she also ran a one-day workshop on Dickens for teachers and PGCE students. Held in March 2013, the workshop aimed to help English teachers and trainees to teach one of Dickens's best-loved novels with renewed confidence, demonstrating ways in which the text might be adapted and fitted to the 21 st -century classroom to inspire a new generation of Dickens readers and meet the demands of the new National Curriculum for 2014. Newly-qualified teacher, and former University of Southampton student, Summer Medway attended the workshop and reported that the event inspired her in terms of how to ‘make Dickens exciting for young people.' You can read more about Dr Hammond's exciting research on the AHRC's website: