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The University of Southampton
Southampton Centre for Nineteenth-Century Research

Dickens read-a-thon raises over £2600 for the Centre for Cancer Immunology

Published: 23 January 2017
Reading at the Dickens Read-a-Thon
Reading at the Dickens Read-a-Thon

Staff and students from across the University and many of their family members and friends took part in a 2-day read-a-thon over the weekend of the 14th-15th January 2017, during which they read the whole of Charles Dickens’s Great Expectations aloud in 13 different languages.

Charles Dickens’s Great-great Granddaughter Kate Dickens kicked us off with a reading of Chapter 1 on Saturday morning, and Professor Ian Cameron, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, read the final chapter on Sunday evening. It took us more than 20 hours, but we made history along the way: some of our readers translated chapters into languages which have never before been part of the global Dickens canon. We have raised over £2600 for the Centre for Cancer Immunology, and the money is still rolling in. Donations can be made here: .

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