Different levels of services are available and should be discussed with Dr Peter Horton.
The SDC diffractometer based in Chemistry offers automated data collection with the HKL software. A routine data collection for macomolecular samples encompasses three steps:
1) Screening for diffraction (single image).
2) For well diffracting samples data is collected, typically in 300 images.
3) The data set is integrated and scaled to produce a single structure factor file.
Crystals produced via the crystallisation pipeline can be submitted for diffraction experiments.
Through collaboration, the macromolecular group can further negotiate access to synchrotron radiation for small crystals or challenging samples.
This service is currently only available in collaborative mode with the macromolecular group . Please get in touch if you are interested in this option.
Access is regulated by X-ray safety protocols. In order to become an authorised user please get in touch to discuss training options.
The running of the instrumentation falls under the university's full economic costing (FEC) model for small research facilities (SRF). Further information about SRF FEC can be found here .