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The University of Southampton
Inspire Medicine - Southampton

Kings College Neuroscience Symposium Event

08:45 - 19:00
20 February 2015
The Great Hall and Edmund J. Safra Lecture Theatre, Main Building, Strand Campus, King’s College, London

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Event details

King’s College London Neuroscience Society (KCL Neurosoc) plans to host its second annual one day Neuroscience conference. This year’s event will feature the theme of ‘‘Neuroscience Fiction – Facts and Fantasies of Modern Neuroscience’

KCL Neuroscience Society’s Neuroscience conference , will be hosted at the Strand Campus, Aldwych.  Building on the strengths of last year, this year’s event will feature the theme of ‘‘Neuroscience Fiction – Facts and Fantasies of Modern Neuroscience’ This student-led event will bring together an audience of students from a variety of backgrounds including the Neuroscience, Clinical Neuroscience and Medicine, Psychology, Psychiatry and Philosophy, as we aim at exploring the representation of Neuroscience in the public domain and its relationship to allied disciplines in the arts and humanities.

The day will offer a busy programme, composed of talks and workshops scheduled throughout morning and afternoon sessions, culminating in a panel discussion led by experts at the end of the day. Student poster presentations will take place after lunch, with a competition for the best original research that will be judged by our guest speakers and experienced King’s researchers.

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