National Surgical Conference for Foundation & Student Doctors Event
- Time:
- 08:30 - 17:20
- Date:
- 7 March 2015
- Venue:
- University of Sheffield Medical School
For more information regarding this event, please telephone Outreach Team on 0131 668 9213 or email .
Event details
A national conference providing an opportunity to present work of a surgical nature. Presentations will be judged by Consultants.
Delegates will gain experience in presenting and feedback from judges will be available. There will be opportunities for discussion with consultant surgeons and the College about a career in surgery and for delegates to see the work of their peers and gain practical surgical experience through the various workshops.
The day will consist of lectures from expert consultants from various specialties followed by research presentations and practical workshops. Delegates will receive a certificate of attendance. All delegates must book their place via the RCSEd website . Note that there are a limited number of places for the surgical workshops. Workshops will include: Laparoscopic Skills; Ethicon Endo Surgery; Orthopaedic External Fixation; Surgical Emergency Scenarios; DIY Surgical Skills; Developing Your Surgical CV and Advanced Wound Closure.