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The University of Southampton
Social Impact Lab

Spark India 2016 - Success in Mumbai

Published: 19 August 2016
University of Southampton students
University of Southampton students engaging with Acumen at their Mumbai offices

In July, 2016, University students travelled to Mumbai, India, to take part in Spark India 2016, a unique social enterprise boot camp run over several weeks.

Spark India 2016 was co-run by the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) and the Social Impact Lab at the University of Southampton in order to share best practice and ideas between talented students from both the UK and India. The students from Southampton spent their time working on an established social enterprise, conceived and run by an Indian Masters student.

The UK students encouraged their Indian counterparts to investigate the problem area more thoroughly to achieve validation of the concept, before proceeding further with their enterprises. The Indian students by contrast, showing the value of comparing methodologies internationally, had a more practical focus to their approach, always keen to test their ideas in the field as soon as possible. Both groups commented on the value of the skills and perspectives they had exchanged.

The University of Southampton students were also given the opportunity to develop their leadership skills and knowledge of the Indian social enterprise ecosystem through an intensive programme of skills development sessions and a variety of site visits, including the offices of Acumen , Dharavi (the third largest slum in the world) and a local hospital which operates as a social enterprise.

Beckie Thomas, a 3rd Year Psychology student, said of the experience:

“Spark India has been a once in a lifetime opportunity to explore the realities of social entrepreneurship with people who challenge, question and encourage me to grow. […] Spending time in an unfamiliar country has helped me understand the challenges others face and has given me the courage to take risks and explore social enterprise further as a career.”

Spark India will be running again in Summer 2017. If you are interested in finding out more, contact us .

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