Speaker Series
Each month we invite a social leader or an entrepreneur to talk about their social impact journey. Be inspired by global social leaders.
Many people say they want to “make a difference,” “do good,” “have a social impact,” or “make the world a better place” — but they rarely say what they mean by those terms. At SiL, we want to support you on your journey to becoming a social impact leader by providing you with knowledge, skills and experience. This is why we compelled the best resources available, have a look below.
Why do we turn to nonprofits, NGOs and governments to solve society's biggest problems?
Watch the video hereThe debate over foreign aid often pits those who mistrust "charity" against those who mistrust reliance on the markets.
Watch the video hereSusan Aktemel, award winner entrepreneur and Director of Homes for Good, provides you with ten top tips for setting up a social enterprise.
Watch the video hereBE BRAVE: "We urgently need new solutions to fight poverty. Social entrepreneurs choose to see opportunities instead of intangible problems."
Watch the video hereEach month we invite a social leader or an entrepreneur to talk about their social impact journey. Be inspired by global social leaders.
If we are facing a new normal after the coronavirus quarantine starts to ease, what should that normal be?