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The University of Southampton
Social Impact Lab

Mr Charlie Pericleous

Expert and Mentor

Mr Charlie Pericleous's photo

Charlie completed a BSc in Politics and International Relations at Southampton University in 2001, followed by an MSc in International Relations (Research) and in 2004 was employed as an intelligence researcher by Hampshire Police located in the Winchester area.

Moving to Portsmouth's Public Protection Unit in 2006, Charlie focused on hate crime, supporting vulnerable adults and locating missing persons. More recently, Charlie has worked for Portsmouth City Council for 12 years delivering the UK's preventing violent extremism strategy and supporting victims of hate crime as the operational manager of the City's hate crime service. Charlie has assisting in delivering projects to address far right extremism, strengthen community cohesion and promote online safety within Portsmouth. Charlie is a member of the European Union's Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) and has begun an ESRC funded research degree at Portsmouth University in 2020. Charlie is currently the project officer of a European Union funded project (Orpheus) to work in partnership with other cities to build resilience within young people, develop critical thinking skills and create an EU prevention toolkit for violent extremism.

Mr Charlie Pericleous
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