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The University of Southampton
Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute

Professor Hazel Biggs BA(Law) PhD

Emeritus Professor

Professor Hazel Biggs's photo

Hazel Biggs is Emeritus Professor of Healthcare Law and Bioethics at the University of Southampton.

Hazel was Professor of Healthcare Law and Bioethics and a leading academic in the Centre for Health Ethics and Law (HEAL) at the University of Southampton from 2009 until she retired in September 2020. Prior to that she was Professor of Medical Law at Lancaster University. Hazel received her first degree from the University of Kent after working in the National Health Service for several years as a radiographer and ultrasonographer.

Hazel's research focus is on Healthcare Law and Bioethics generally, from a feminist perspective and with particular emphasis on death and dying and end of life decision-making, human reproduction and the beginning of life, as well as the ethics and law of clinical research. She has published widely on the legal and ethical aspects of each of these areas and has supervised numerous PhD students to completion on related topics.

Alongside her university activities Hazel was Editor in Chief of Medical Law Review until the end of 2020. She also chaired local and multi-centre NHS Research Ethics Committees (RECs) and was involved with education and training for members of research ethics committees and the medical research community for many years. Hazel was a member of the GMC working group which formulated the guidance Treatment and Care Towards the End of Life: Good Practice in Decision-making, in 2010. She continues as ethics advisor to the Wales Cancer Bank.

Research interests

Medical law and bioethics form the main focus of Hazel’s research, with particular emphasis on end of life decision-making, human reproduction and the beginning of life, and the ethics and law of clinical research. Her research takes a socio-legal approach and typically adopts a feminist perspective, broadly construed.

Research project(s)

Placebo effects and informed consent

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Professor Hazel Biggs presented aspects of her latest book on Healthcare Research Ethics and Law, at the national NHS R&D Forum in May 2010. Hazel is currently investigating socio-legal and ethical issues associated with Fabricated Induced Injury (formerly known as Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy) and has recently completed an article examining rights and obligations in relation to Do Not Resuscitate orders.

Professor Hazel Biggs
Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute University of Southampton Southampton Boldrewood Innovation Campus Southampton SO16 7QF

Room Number : 4

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