ICE Awards – Two papers from Civil Engineering win prizes at ICE Awards 2023

The annual award ceremony of the Institution of Civil Engineers was held in the Graeco-Roman rhapsody walls of the Institution in London on 16 October.
Dr Jack Denny and Dr Benjamin Cerfontaine from the department of Civil, Maritime and Environmental Engineering attended the Institution of Civil Engineers award ceremony to collect their respective prizes.
This year’s awards spotlighted papers that “help us adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change, create critical infrastructure that is safe and sustainable, and improve performance and productivity”, in the words of Keith Howells, President of the ICE.
Jack received the Telford Premium award, honouring outstanding papers published by the ICE for the paper published in Engineering and Computational Mechanics:
Eulerian solver sensitivity for computing long-duration blast drag loading on columns
Authors: Laura Cannon, Jack Denny and Simon Clubley
Benjamin received the Geotechnical Research Medal (formerly the Bishop award), awarded annually to the authors of the best contribution in the field of research in geotechnical engineering published by the Institution for the paper published in Géotechnique:
Physical modelling to demonstrate the feasibility of screw piles for offshore jacket-supported wind energy structures
Authors: Craig Davidson, Michael Brow, Benjamin Cerfontain, Therar Al-Baghdadi, Jonathan Knappett, Andrew Brennan, Charles Augarde, William Coombs, Lei Wang, Anthony Blake, David Richards and Jon Ball