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The University of Southampton
Southampton Clinical Academic Training Scheme Our programmes

Clinical Lectureships

What is a Clinical Lectureship?

Clinical Lecturer posts are designed for specialist trainees and newly qualified GPs who hold a higher degree (PhD or MD).  Most are NIHR-funded but the University of Southampton does offer some locally-funded Clinical Lecturer positions with access to the same entitlements as their NIHR-funded counterparts.

Clinical Lectureships are typically 4 years in duration, or until the trainee reaches their completion of clinical training (CCT), whichever is sooner.  Clinical Lecturers will spend 50% of their time in specialist clinical training and 50% undertaking research, and are expected to extend their findings from their higher degrees into new (related) areas of research in order to develop applications for externally funded intermediate level fellowships.

What specialties are Clinical Lectureships available in?

Every year in Southampton we appoint Clinical Lecturers in a variety of specialties.  For details of posts that are currently available, please visit our recruitment page .

If you are considering applying for a Clinical Lecturer position, a preliminary discussion with the relevant Academic Lead is welcomed.

Why choose Southampton?

Undertaking a Clinical Lectureship at Southampton gives trainees:

Clinical Lecturers at Southampton benefit from:

Southampton has a strong track record of developing Clinical Lecturers.  The majority of our former Clinical Lecturers have gone on to senior clinical academic or research-active NHS posts.  Many have obtained significant amounts of research funding (including awards up to £1 million) and intermediate and advanced fellowships.  In addition, a large number of publications by our Clinical Lecturers have appeared in high-impact journals including Nature Medicine, Nature Genetics, The Lancet and the BMJ.

Clinical Lecturers at Southampton are encouraged and supported to apply for external funding including Academy of Medical Sciences Starter Grants , which a number of our current and former trainees have successfully been awarded.  As employees at the University, Clinical Lecturers also have the opportunity to apply to the Faculty for funding to support their research.

Click here to read about the experiences of some of our current and former Clinical Lecturers.

Find out more

For further information about the Academic Training Programme in Wessex, please visit the Health Education England (Wessex) website .

For more information about NIHR Clinical Lectureships, please visit the NIHR website .

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