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The University of Southampton
Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology Part of Economic, Social and Political Science

Research assistant opportunity in Centre for Population Change

Published: 26 June 2009

The dynamics of household change and living arrangements across the life course.

The University of Southampton in collaboration with a consortium of Scottish Universities has recently been awarded £5million by the ESRC to establish the UK’s first ESRC funded centre for research on population change. As part of this research, we are currently looking to recruit a Senior Research Assistant/Research Fellow on a 3 year fixed term contract.

You will conduct qualitative research as part of a strand of research on household dynamics and living arrangements across the life course, under the guidance of Professors Sue Heath, Maria Evandrou and Jane Falkingham . You will contribute to three consecutive and linked projects: the first on the living arrangements of young people in the UK, with a focus on young people’s housing strategies; the second on the dynamics of household change in mid-life, with a focus on adult returners to the parental home; and the third on the dynamics of household change in later life, with a focus on understanding pathways into institutional care.

You will have a postgraduate qualification in a relevant social science discipline and experience in conducting qualitative fieldwork and analysis, including qualitative interviewing.

To find out more about the opportunity and to apply, please see our job opportunities .

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