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The University of Southampton
Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology Part of Economic, Social and Political Science

Fulbright success for Rosie

Published: 5 July 2010

University of Southampton psychology lecturer, Dr Rosie Meek, has been awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to work in the United States for the coming year.

Rosie , who has been a lecturer in Social Sciences at Southampton since 2007, will continue her research into social psychological processes in the rehabilitation of prisoners, at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) as a Fulbright Scholar.

“I am honoured to have received this prestigious award and look forward to making the most of this wonderful opportunity,” says Rosie. “As well as being located in a stunning location on the Californian coast, UCSD boasts some of the most highly-regarded academics in my area of research and I am incredibly fortunate to have the chance to carry out my applied research with such distinguished colleagues.”

Each year, approximately two awards are offered by the Fulbright Commission to outstanding UK professionals or academics to undertake lecturing, research or a combination of the two in any field, at any accredited US institution.

Prominent alumni of the Fulbright Programme include poet Sylvia Plath, Charles Kennedy MP, journalist and author Toby Young and the economist and Nobel prize-winner Milton Friedman.

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