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The University of Southampton
Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology Part of Economic, Social and Political Science

The Division welcomes three new members of staff

Published: 19 January 2011

Professor Rosalind Edwards joined us in December 2010 from London South Bank University. Ros's substantive work and expertise bring critical sociological and feminist relational perspectives to bear on people's everyday understandings of their family lives, and family and parenting, and family and parenting policies. She is founding and co-editor of the International Journal of Social Research Methodology, and has become a co-director of the National Centre for Research Methods here.

Bindi Shah joined us in January from Roehampton University where she was an ESRC Research Fellow. Bindi's research interests focus on how race, gender, class and religion construct belonging and citizenship among the second-generation. Her current project is a comparative study of the role of religion and religious institutions in shaping community, belonging and citizenship among young Jains in the UK and USA, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council.

Pathik Pathak joined our Division in October 2010. He was teaching on the Sociology and Human Rights programmes at Roehampton University. He is an expert in collective action and citizenship.

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