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The University of Southampton
Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology Part of Economic, Social and Political Science

International recognition for Professor of the History of Social Policy

Published: 24 September 2012

A Professor in the Division of Sociology and Social Policy has been internationally recognised for his work as a co-author on a book exploring the changing body of the western world.

Professor Bernard Harris was one of four authors involved in writing the book The changing body: nutrition, health and human development in the western world since 1700.

The book, published by Cambridge University Press, has been recognised by the Prose Awards for excellence in Economics.

The American Publishers Awards for Professional and Scholarly Excellence are presented annually for the very best in professional and scholarly publishing in distinguished books, journals and electronic content. The winners are acknowledged for their commitment to pioneering works of research and for contributing to the conception, production, and design of landmark works in their fields.

The book describes the enormous improvements that have occurred in terms of health and nutritional status in Europe and North America during the last three centuries and provides a wide-ranging account of their causes and consequences.

Bernard said: "It is an honour to have been recognised for our work with such a prestigious award."

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