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The University of Southampton
Economic, Social and Political Sciences
(023) 8059 3071

Dr Martin Hinsch PhD

Research Fellow

Dr Martin Hinsch's photo

Martin Hinsch is a Research Fellow in Social Statistics and Demography at the University of Southampton. He is working on models of human migration as part of the ERC project Bayesian Agent-based Population Studies (BAPS).

Sometimes the most important thing a model does is to provide us with better questions to ask.

My background is in Systems Science but I have done my PhD in Theoretical Evolutionary Biology and I have worked amongst others in Bioinformatics, Robotics and Epidemiology.

In June 2018 I joined the group of Prof. Jakub Bijak to work on migration modelling in the BAPS project.

Research interests

I am generally interested in complex systems and emergent behaviour and how models can help us to understand them.

Research project(s)

Bayesian Agent-Based Population Studies (BAPS): Transforming Simulation Models of Human Migration

Migration is one of the most uncertain population processes, lacking an overarching theoretical and conceptual background. The project will fill important gaps in our knowledge on migration by developing innovative statistical and computational migration models.

Dr Martin Hinsch
Reception Building 58 University of Southampton Southampton SO17 1BJ United Kingdom

Room Number : 58/2053

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