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The University of Southampton
Economic, Social and Political Sciences

Dr Vladimir Rizov BA, MA, PhD, FHEA

Lecturer in Criminology, Eomployability Co-ordinator

Dr Vladimir Rizov 's photo

Dr Vladimir Rizov is Lecturer in Criminology within the Department of Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology at the University of Southampton.

He is a visual and historical sociologist whose research and writing focuses on urban space, visual culture, and critical criminology.

Vladimir’s doctoral research has explored the relations between urban space, archival institutions, and documentary photography. He did so by focusing on the work of Thomas Annan in late 19th century Glasgow and the work of Eugène Atget in early 20th century Paris. More recently, his work has focused on photography in video games and understandings of urban crime control in cinema. He is currently developing a research project on the socialist seaside resort of Albena in the 1970s in Bulgaria.

Prior to joining Southampton in September 2019, Vladimir was a Lecturer in Criminology at the University of Suffolk and has also worked at Leeds Trinity University and the University of York in various roles.

Research interests

Vladimir’s research is at the intersection of several disciplines including visual sociology, social history, criminological theory, and urban studies.

Research projects

Recent research projects have included:

  • Fallen Guardians: Understanding Urban Crime Control Through Cinema (w/ Dr Rafe McGregor, Senior Lecturer in Criminology, Edge Hill University) – developing an analytical framework in relation to popular films with a focus on urban crime control measures such as private policing, preventative policing, mass incarceration, and extrajudicial killing.
  • Architecture of Enjoyment: Albena and Bulgaria's Socialist Seaside in the 1970s (in development) – the project aims to examine the construction of Bulgaria’s first centrally planned resort of Albena. I seek to explore the discourses utilised in the construction of Albena as a particularly socialist space, as well as one particularly to do with enjoyment. The project contributes to a growing literature on socialist history and enjoyment, as well as expands urban sociologist Henri Lefebvre’s work on the production of space and everyday life.
  • The Photographic City – this project is a continuation of my doctoral work on documentary photography and urban space. It is currently being expanded toward a more theoretical engagement with Henri Lefebvre’s work, as well as virtual space.

I am Employability Officer for the Department of Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology. I also chair the Research Methods research cluster.

At the moment I am teaching on:

  • Introduction to Criminology (CRIM1003)
  • Perspectives in Criminology (CRIM2001)
  • Crime and Criminal Justice: Historical Perspectives (CRIM2002)
  • Criminal Behaviour (CRIM6003)
  • Criminal Behaviour: Applied Perspectives (CRIM6007)


Philosophy of Games Annual Conference. ‘The Politics of the Digitalization of Everyday Life in Watch Dogs’. St Petersburg, October 21st-25th

Exploring Urban Temporalities – Nordic Geographers Meeting 2019. ‘“What makes city life meaningful is the things we hide”: a dialogue on existential urban space’ – with Dr Gareth Millington, University of York. NTNU, Trondheim, Norway June 16th-19th

The Association for Philosophy and Literature - Truth, Fiction, Illusion. ‘The Anonymous Multiple’ – Benjamin, Baudelaire, and Modern Beauty. Klagenfurt, Germany May 29th -Jun 2nd

Learning and Teaching Day – Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching. Research-led Teaching and Pedagogy. University of Suffolk, UK 22nd May

Benjamin’s Baudelaire – Constellations of Modernity (ECR Workshop). ‘The “Anonymous Multiple” of the Modern City: Benjamin, Atget, and Documentary’s Regime of Truth’. Goldsmiths, University of London, UK 11th May

Philosophy Politics Anthropology & Allied Disciplines. ‘The Unwilling Subject: Documentary Photography, Ontological Difference, and the Politics of Gaze’. University of Amsterdam, Netherlands 15th -17th May

Architectonics of Game Worlds. ‘Virtual Space and Video Games: A Socio-Political Reading of In-Game Photography and Architectonics’. University of Cologne, Germany March 18th -20th

British Society of Aesthetics – Narrative Justice: Aesthetic Education from Theory to Practice. ‘The Unwilling Subject: Narrative, Politics, Images’. Edgehill University, UK March 3th -5th


Sofia University – Culture Centre – New Utopias. ‘A World Without Crime: Towards a Utopian View of Criminality’. Sofia, Bulgaria December 6th-9th

European Association for Urban History Conference - Urban Renewal and Resilience. ‘From Public Space to Existential Space: A Dialogue between Marshall Berman and Orhan Pamuk’ – with Dr Gareth Millington, University of York. Roma Tre University, Italy August 29th – September 1st


Political Culture and Political Movements in the Neoliberal City Workshop. ‘The Documented City: Towards a Phenomenological Hermeneutic of the Street’. University of Paris Nanterre (Centre de Recherches Anglophones), France December 15th

Royal Geographical Society Conference, Large Urban Developments. ‘The Urban Imaginary and Planetary Urbanisation’ – with Dr Will Paterson, University of York. Royal Geographical Society, UK August 29th - September 1st

Paris – Urban, Institutional, and Artistic Place of Photography Symposium. ‘Documentary Photography and the City’. German Centre for History of Art -  Paris, France, July 3rd - 7th

VII Lisbon Consortium Conference and Summer School for the Study of Culture - Global Translations. ‘Photography as Information: Global Translations of the Daguerreotype’. Lisbon, Portugal, June 26th - July 1st

‘Archiving the City’ Research Network Symposium. ‘Mapping the Historical City: Paris, Glasgow, and Hamburg’. University of York, UK, March 16th

Dr Vladimir Rizov
Reception Building 58 University of Southampton Southampton SO17 1BJ United Kingdom

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