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The University of Southampton
Economic, Social and Political Sciences

Postgraduates conference weekend at Cumberland Lodge 2009

Published: 27 February 2009 Origin:  Politics and International Relations

Each year, Politics and International Relations staff and postgraduate students enjoy a weekend conference in the beautiful surroundings of Cumberland Lodge in Great Windsor Park.

The conference is one of the highlights of our academic year, and provides an excellent opportunity for students to learn more about the research being conducted by staff, for students to present papers on their Masters and PhD work, and for everyone attending to enjoy the excellent hospitality and wonderful atmosphere of the Lodge . This year’s conference took place between 6-8 February 2009, and boasted a diverse agenda of papers from both staff and students.

Among the staff papers presented during the weekend were Professor David Owen’s reflections on political responsibility and global justice; Dr Clare Saunders' research on whether there is a global justice movement in Britain; and Dr Alix Kelso’s insights into the House of Commons’ select committee system. Papers were also delivered by a number of doctoral students in the department, including Emma Anderson’s research on women, power and HIV/AIDS in Malawi, and Aamer Taj’s research on local government reforms in Pakistan. This year’s conference was marked by many highly interesting question and discussion sessions on the various papers presented, most of which continued on into the coffee breaks and beyond.

This year, our conference was set against the stunning backdrop of a snow-covered Great Windsor Park, which served to make the normal Saturday afternoon walks enjoyed by those attending even more rigorous than usual! Our 2009 event was one of our most successful yet, and served not only to allow us to talk about our research, but for staff and students to get to know each other a little better over the course of the weekend.

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